
Youngrok Pak at 13 years, 3 months ago.

The DesktopEdition can be configured similarly to a normal MoinMoin installation. You must restart moin.exe/ for changes to take effect.

Basic configuration#

Just edit the file file. You can use the options listed on the page HelpOnConfiguration.

Here is a sample:

줄 번호 보이기/숨기기
   1 from MoinMoin.multiconfig import DefaultConfig
   3 class Config(DefaultConfig):
   4     sitename = "My local notebook"
   5     logo_string = u'<img src= "/wiki/mylogo.png"> My local notebook-Wiki'
   6     acl_rights_default = u"All:read,write,delete"

Note that the last line is needed if you want to disable administrator access for all users. This is very important if you are using your wiki on the Internet.

Note that you need admin rights to install help pages in your language. So, install them before you use the acl_rights_default above.

Server configuration#

Additionally, you can set some server options like the port etc. in the file You need to create it and fill it like shown below. See [:HelpOnInstalling/StandaloneServer#options:HelpOnInstalling/StandaloneServer] for the available options.

Here is a sample:

줄 번호 보이기/숨기기
   1 from __main__ import DefaultConfig
   2 class Config(DefaultConfig):
   3     port = 80
   4     interface = "" # changes the interface where the webserver is bound. use "" for every interface


You can create a dict directory in the MMDE directory and copy dictionary files into it. Then they will be found by the integrated spellchecker.


Of course you can install plugins and themes like you do it normally. If it is a prepared MoinMoin package file, then you just need to upload it and click install on the page which lists all attachments. Otherwise you have to copy the plugin file into the directory wiki/data/plugin/ followed by the type of the plugin. E.g. for a theme you would copy the .py file into wiki/data/plugin/theme directory.

You will need to copy the css and img folders (if you are installing a theme) into a subfolder, which has got the name of your theme, of wiki/htdocs.


Wiki at WikiNamu