Page history of Home

Title: Home | edited by Youngrok Pak at 6 years, 4 months ago.

Project Rosalynde for KAIST student



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <iostream>


#define EXP_BOUND 10 // ¡ˆºˆ¥¬ 0~EXP_BOUND

#define COEF_BOUND 20 // ∞˺ˆ¥¬ -COEF_BOUND/2 ~ +COEF_BOUND/2

#define TERMS_NUM 40 // terms Array index ∞πºˆ¥¬ TERMS_NUM∞≥

#define SUB_TERMS_NUM 10 // Polynomial B¿« ª©±‚ ≈◊Ω∫∆Æø°º≠¿« ∞πºˆ

#define ADD_TERMS_NUM 10 // Polynomial B¿« ¥ı«œ±‚ ≈◊Ω∫∆Æø°º≠¿« ∞πºˆ

#define INTEG_CONST 20 // ¿˚∫– ªÛºˆ


using namespace std;

class Term



double coef; // ∞˺ˆ

int exp; // ¬˜ºˆ

// you can add your own private member here



// constructor

Term(); // default constructor. ∞˺ˆøÕ ¬˜ºˆ ∏µŒ 0¿∏∑Œ √ ±‚»≠

Term(double c, int e); // ∞˺ˆ∏¶ c∑Œ, ¬˜ºˆ∏¶ e∑Œ √ ±‚»≠

// setter, getter

double GetCoef(); // coef ∞™¿ª ∏Æ≈œ

int GetExp(); // exp ∞™¿ª ∏Æ≈œ

void SetCoef(double c); // coef∞™¿ª c∑Œ º≥¡§

void SetExp(int e); // exp∞™¿ª e∑Œ º≥¡§

//print term. (coef)x^(exp) e.g 3x^2

void Print();





coef = 0;

exp = 0;



Term::Term(double c, int e)


coef = c;

exp = e;



double Term::GetCoef()


return coef;



int Term::GetExp()


return exp;



void Term::SetCoef(double c)


coef = c;



void Term::SetExp(int e)


exp = e;



void Term::Print()


if(coef == 0)


else if(exp == 0)


else if(exp == 1)






// Node class. linked list¿« node

// Term ∞¥√º «œ≥™øÕ linked list∏¶ ¿ß«— ∆˜¿Œ≈Õ next, prev ∏¶ ∞°¡¯¥Ÿ.

class Node


// Node class º≥∞Ë«—¥Ÿ. 

// ∞£∆Ì«— ±∏«ˆ¿ª ¿ß«ÿ member ∏µŒ public øµø™ø° ¡§¿««ÿµµ ªÛ∞¸æ¯¿Ω.


Term t;

Node* prev;

Node* next;





class Polynomial



Node* head; // dummy Node head

Node* tail; // dummy Node tail 

    // you can add your own private member here.



Polynomial(); // default constructor. head, tail node∏∏ ∞°¡¯ Polynomial ª˝º∫

// copy constructor. Polynomial pøÕ µø¿œ«— «◊µÈ¿ª ∞°¡¯ Polynomial ª˝º∫

Polynomial(Polynomial& p); 

~Polynomial(); // destructor

void Add(Term t); // Polynomialø° Term t∏¶ ¥ı«‘

void Sub(Term t); // Polynomialø° Term t∏¶ ª≠

// Polynomial¿«  size(«◊¿«∞≥ºˆ) ∏Æ≈œ.

// ∞˺ˆ∞° 0¿Œ «◊(ªÛºˆ«◊0µµ∆˜«‘)µÈ¿∫ «◊¿«∞≥ºˆø° ∆˜«‘滵 .

int Size(); 

// Polynomial¿ª  default ªÛ≈¬∑Œ √ ±‚»≠.

// ¡Ô Polynomial¥¬  head, tail node∏∏ ∞°¡¯¥Ÿ

void Reset();

// "this"øÕ "p" µ°º¿∞·∞˙∏¶ ¿˙¿Â«— Polynomial return

Polynomial Add(Polynomial p);

// "this"øÕ "p"  ª¨º¿ ∞·∞˙∏¶ ¿˙¿Â«— Polynomial return

Polynomial Sub(Polynomial p);

// "this"øÕ "p"  ∞ˆº¿ ∞·∞˙∏¶ ¿˙¿Â«— Polynomial return

Polynomial Mul(Polynomial p);

// "this"¿« πÃ∫– ∞·∞˙∏¶ ¿˙¿Â«— Polynomial return

Polynomial Diff();

// "this"¿« ¿˚∫– ∞·∞˙∏¶ ¿˙¿Â«— Polynomial return

Polynomial Integ(double integ_const);

// Polynomial¿ª xø° ∞¸«— ≥ª∏≤¬˜º¯¿∏∑Œ√‚∑¬

void Print();





head = new Node();

tail = new Node();


head->next = tail;

head->prev = NULL;

tail->prev = head;

tail->next = NULL;



Polynomial::Polynomial(Polynomial &p)


head = new Node();

tail = new Node();


head->next = tail;

head->prev = NULL;

tail->prev = head;

tail->next = NULL;


Node* cursor = p.head->next;


while(cursor != p.tail)



cursor = cursor->next;








void Polynomial::Add(Term t)


    Node* cursor=head->next;








                Node* del=cursor;



                delete del;




        if(cursor->t.GetExp() < t.GetExp()) break;



    Node* tmp=new Node();









void Polynomial::Sub(Term t)


    Node* cursor=head->next;








                Node* del=cursor;



                delete del;




        if(cursor->t.GetExp() < t.GetExp()) break;



    Node* tmp=new Node();

    Term* newt=new Term(t.GetCoef()*(-1),t.GetExp());









int Polynomial::Size()


int size = 0;

    Node* tmp=head->next;






return size;



void Polynomial::Reset()




        Node* tmp= head->next;



            Node* del=tmp;


            delete del;







Polynomial Polynomial::Add(Polynomial p)


Polynomial result;

    Node* cursor=p.head->next;












return result;



Polynomial Polynomial::Sub(Polynomial p)


Polynomial result;

    Node* cursor=p.head->next;












return result;



Polynomial Polynomial::Mul(Polynomial p)


Polynomial result;

return result;



Polynomial Polynomial::Diff()


Polynomial result;

return result;




Polynomial Polynomial::Integ(double integ_const)


Polynomial result;

return result;



void Polynomial::Print()


Node* cursor = head->next;


if(Size() == 0)






while(cursor != tail->prev)



cout<<" + ";

cursor = cursor->next;







int main()


Term terms[20] = {Term(-5, 2), Term(-3, 1), Term(2, 5), Term(0, 3), Term(3, 0), Term(-74, 4), Term(17, 3), Term(31, 2), Term(-184, 3), Term(9, 1), Term(15, 1), Term(-11, 2), Term(21, 5), Term(51, 3), Term(19, 4), Term(15, 1), Term(), Term(-31, 2), Term(-19, 0), Term(0, 4)};


Polynomial A;


cout<<"A: "; A.Print(); // A= 0

cout<<"Size of A : "<<A.Size()<<endl; // Size of A : 0

for(int i=0; i<20; i++){A.Add(terms[i]);}

cout<<"A: "; A.Print(); // A= 

cout<<"Size of A : "<<A.Size()<<endl; // Size of A : 

Polynomial _A(A); 

for(int i=0; i<20; i++){_A.Sub(terms[i]);}

cout<<"_A: "; _A.Print(); // _A= 0

cout<<"Size of _A: "<<_A.Size()<<endl;// Size of A : 0


Polynomial A_(A); A_.Reset();

Polynomial B(A); B.Sub(terms[3]); B.Sub(terms[5]); B.Sub(terms[7]); B.Sub(terms[9]); B.Sub(terms[11]);

Polynomial C(A); C.Add(terms[12]); C.Add(terms[14]); C.Add(terms[16]); C.Add(terms[18]); C.Add(terms[19]);

cout<<"A: "; A.Print(); // A= 

cout<<"Size of A: "<<A.Size()<<endl; // Size of A :

cout<<"A_: "; A_.Print(); // A_=

cout<<"Size of A_: "<<A_.Size()<<endl; // Size of A_ :

cout<<"B: "; B.Print(); // B= 

cout<<"Size of B: "<<B.Size()<<endl; // Size of B :

cout<<"C: "; C.Print(); // C= 

cout<<"Size of C: "<<C.Size()<<endl; // Size of C :

Polynomial AB;

    AB = A.Add(B);

Polynomial AA_;

    AA_= A.Add(A_);

Polynomial A_C;

    A_C= A.Sub(C);

Polynomial A_A_;

    A_A_= A.Sub(A_);

Polynomial AxB;

    AxB= A.Mul(B);

Polynomial AxC;

    AxC= A.Mul(C);

Polynomial AxA_;

    AxA_= A.Mul(A_);

Polynomial BxC;

    BxC= B.Mul(C);

Polynomial Diff_A;

    Diff_A= A.Diff();

Polynomial Diff_A_;

    Diff_A_= A_.Diff();


cout<<"A+B: "; AB.Print();

cout<<"A+A_: "; AA_.Print();

cout<<"A-C: "; A_C.Print();

cout<<"A-A_: "; A_A_.Print();

cout<<"AxB: "; AxB.Print();

cout<<"AxC: "; AxC.Print();

cout<<"AxA_: "; AxA_.Print();

cout<<"BxC: "; BxC.Print();

cout<<"Diff_A: "; Diff_A.Print();

cout<<"Diff_A_: "; Diff_A_.Print();


    return 0;


Edited Time Editor
2018-05-23 12:41:19.140480+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2014-05-21 16:04:25+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-13 04:37:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-04 09:17:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-01 09:10:31+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-01 08:53:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-01 08:51:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-11-01 08:48:48+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-10-23 02:26:08+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-10-23 02:25:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-10-15 04:22:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-14 08:37:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-13 01:58:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-13 01:28:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-13 00:50:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-12 16:57:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-02-12 15:36:06+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-10 15:02:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-07 13:38:49+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-06 15:55:57+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-05 07:20:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-04 14:47:13+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-04 12:58:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-03 16:15:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2013-01-02 06:05:13+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2012-11-09 09:26:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-11-07 06:38:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2012-11-06 17:33:49+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2012-11-06 03:19:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-08-05 06:17:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-08-05 06:16:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-08-03 21:46:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-08-03 21:39:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-30 05:01:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-30 05:00:30+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-28 00:36:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-27 07:50:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 15:32:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 12:01:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 10:30:30+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 10:17:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 09:08:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-26 09:01:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-07-04 00:02:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-29 03:05:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-25 21:53:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-25 21:51:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-21 23:36:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-21 23:35:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-19 07:52:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-06-04 21:04:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-05-24 21:38:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-05-17 21:26:43+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-05-03 21:23:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-05-02 00:24:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-04-18 21:20:54+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-04-12 21:21:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-04-05 21:35:47+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-03-09 02:50:14+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-02-19 07:39:25+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-02-10 23:32:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-02-08 04:54:55+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-23 02:42:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-13 00:42:43+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-11 10:23:27+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-11 10:20:32+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-11 07:39:56+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-11 02:14:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-11 02:14:43+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 22:05:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 14:20:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 00:41:05+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 00:39:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 00:38:14+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-10 00:36:24+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-08 11:32:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-08 08:49:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-06 23:56:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-06 23:52:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-06 23:51:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-06 08:54:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-06 08:45:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-05 03:12:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-04 21:07:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-03 22:12:00+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2012-01-01 14:30:32+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-28 02:36:56+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-28 02:24:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-28 01:55:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-27 11:38:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-27 11:37:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-27 11:36:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-24 14:23:57+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-23 00:19:56+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-22 21:06:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-22 01:11:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-21 20:15:57+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-21 02:45:47+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-21 02:45:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-21 02:30:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-14 01:38:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-13 15:51:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-13 10:50:48+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-13 02:34:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-13 01:11:13+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-13 00:53:27+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 23:16:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 11:18:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 11:11:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 09:53:00+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 09:52:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 09:52:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-12 08:17:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-11 11:02:32+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-11 06:12:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 11:58:47+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 11:47:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 10:41:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 10:22:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 10:20:09+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-07 03:44:56+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-06 22:40:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-06 22:34:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-06 11:55:24+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-06 07:43:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-06 07:42:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 22:42:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 22:38:04+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 22:18:42+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 22:18:06+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 20:51:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-05 00:28:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-04 20:02:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-04 17:58:54+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-04 02:32:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-04 02:30:17+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 02:35:00+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 01:26:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:55:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:55:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:53:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:52:36+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:51:36+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:50:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:48:00+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-02 00:47:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-01 11:04:42+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-01 11:04:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-01 10:49:01+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-01 10:28:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-12-01 00:33:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:32:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:31:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:28:36+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:27:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:23:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:22:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:21:36+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:19:56+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 22:04:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:14:43+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:14:09+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:13:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:12:01+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:11:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:09:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:08:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 07:05:47+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 03:19:48+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 03:18:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 03:18:11+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 03:15:02+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-30 03:06:54+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 03:04:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-30 02:55:01+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-30 02:36:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 02:34:09+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 02:20:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-30 00:37:42+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-29 12:19:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-29 10:05:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-29 08:47:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-29 03:46:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-29 03:46:31+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 23:40:39+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 23:01:08+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 07:37:32+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 00:53:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 00:52:11+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 00:34:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-28 00:02:25+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-27 20:12:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-27 20:11:55+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-25 01:08:27+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-25 01:08:08+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-25 00:14:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 18:46:19+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 16:18:42+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 10:18:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 07:25:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 06:49:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 05:31:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 05:30:47+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 05:26:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:56:18+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:55:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:47:30+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:45:08+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:42:49+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:41:06+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 04:34:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-24 03:44:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 01:13:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 00:42:57+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 00:40:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-24 00:40:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 23:07:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 23:05:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 20:44:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 18:40:17+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 17:37:14+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 07:09:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 07:08:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 07:08:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:09:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:08:27+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:07:01+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:06:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:05:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:04:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:04:06+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 05:00:54+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 04:58:09+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 04:21:00+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:22:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:17:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:07:11+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:03:14+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:03:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:02:02+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 03:00:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 02:57:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 02:54:09+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 02:41:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 02:05:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 02:02:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 01:47:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:47:21+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:46:40+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:45:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:44:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:43:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:41:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:36:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:27:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:14:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:11:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 01:10:58+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:58:49+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:58:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:58:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:58:20+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:57:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:57:17+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:54:25+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:52:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:50:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:48:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:47:33+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:45:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:44:41+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-23 00:44:29+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:43:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:39:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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2011-11-23 00:22:19+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-22 23:34:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-22 23:15:50+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-15 08:08:16+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-15 08:08:07+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-14 08:09:51+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-14 08:07:38+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-14 08:06:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-13 08:39:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-07 23:13:37+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-04 17:26:57+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-04 03:24:49+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-11-02 01:17:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-27 08:17:34+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-24 23:35:15+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-24 10:41:52+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 21:10:17+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 21:08:44+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 11:46:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 04:33:53+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 04:10:26+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-16 04:10:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-15 13:18:35+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-15 13:18:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-15 13:18:10+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-14 03:24:28+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-14 03:16:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-14 03:16:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-14 03:16:22+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 22:19:20+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 22:18:59+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 22:17:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 22:17:45+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 13:06:14+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 12:17:03+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 12:16:46+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 12:15:16+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 12:15:16+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 09:33:48+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 09:33:23+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 09:25:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
2011-10-12 09:25:12+00:00 Youngrok Pak
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